There are certainly more than the two extreme types @grislybutter refers to. I think a larger (probably the largest) group are people looking to get the most bang for the audio buck somewhere in between the cost no object @mikelavignes of the world (if there are any more) who is extremely knowledgeable and invests time and funds and is generous with his experience, and the extreme tinkers/hobbyists/tube rollers like @millercarbon and misers like @mahgister(although haven't seen their posts lately) looking for any, even the most questionable tweaks that can make the most minimal of differences, if any, on a "highly resolving" system, whatever that means (expensive?).
There are the prove it to me on paper ones, who if they can't measure it say it doesn't sound like anything or of it is measurable it sounds like something. There are the close to cost no object ones that share their sometimes biased or myopic opinions which may nonetheless be of value, and lastly the ones just here to read the humorous comments.
So that's at least 6 types. You can also add the vinyl only, tube only (who frequently intersect), digital only, electrostatics only, McIntosh lovers and haters, etc. etc. And don't forget the trolls.