@grislybutter I'm sorry that has happened, it certainly isn't something I advocate as I believe in free speech. Here is the problem with your supposition about why your post were deleted. I am not a rich man by most standards; then again, I believe rich is a fluid term. I am rich to some but the poor in our country are considered rich by the rest of the world's reckoning. Twenty-five years ago I was a homeless man on the streets of New Orleans. There is an economic ladder, a legal one, available for any who care to climb it, at least in our good ol' USA. Like any ladder it has two directions based on the choices you make. You know how I display my compassion for people? I provide them jobs where they can earn a paycheck and have dignity and ambition. I probably make less than 70% of the members of this forum. I admire them. Guess what? People who have money are the most charitable! I have no children to depend on me, that helps. My wife and I care for my mother who has Alzheimer's. We feel as if we know best how to spend our money on what we need and what we want. Always amazed at people who feel the need to decide for other's how their money should be spent.
Point is, they didn't remove it because I'm rich!