Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube




ISOCHRONISM AND ROADWHORERECORDS SHOULD BE shunned and banned for posting PATENTLY FALSE disinformation/misinformation.

Wow. Your 3rd post here and you are already calling for censorshi and banning people for their ideas. This is typical of the left who cannot EVER WIN the argument based on their ideas, so they HAVE to shut down anyone who disagrees. Kinda like this whole Scamdemic. Anyone who disagrees must be silenced. That includes Dr Robert Malone who Invented the mRNA vaccine. He is not onboard with this vaccine and suspects it of enhancing the virus rather than stopping it.


BTW have any of you leftists ever read a history book?

I aalways wondered how so many citizens of 1930's & 40's Germany could allow 6 million people slaughtered right under their noses. The last few years have answered that question.

I couldn't find enough high quality medical advice on the internet, so I joined this Audiophile site.  WTF?????  Why is this thread even allowed in this space?  



YOU confirm your lack of humanity, reasoning capacity and foolishness by using that one word "left." this is not a polical issue, its a health issue.


true I  have read many posts but not being an expert I never made any comments as I am out of my league with audiophiles. You are out of your league with health science. sure, you and other arrogant stubborn paranoids  know better than all the medical and public health scientists and have critically analyzed the the thousands of studies. I won't reply as you are not worth the bytes and energy. hope your life is short. 

I forgot to mention that it's extremely offensive to refer to Nazi Germany atrocities and crimes against humanity as some type of analogy relevant to the argument.