Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube



Are you reading comprehension challenged? You cite a crank, and then cite a number of folks who's articles you've read - or claim to. You ignore that *I* have defined Kennedy as a crank, that informs *MY* opinion of your position and predilection. You can agree not not at your whim, makes no difference.

You ignore that when one, such as yourself IMO, reads to validate, not to educate, the conclusions drawn from such "research" are totally suspect.

You cant emulate a petulant child in declaring "Your case is closed..." as though you have some say in the matter, but sorry to disabuse, you have no such superpower.

Im not sure Maghister claims he read those articles, I believe he may have cut and pasted RFK Jr's bibliography. 

Post removed 

Moral question: So if a person decides to not take a vaccine (virus non-specific) because of personal reasons (again non-specific) and that person falls ill to the virus that vaccine would have provided proctection against, should that person be a priority for hospital care over another patient (typical emergency, i.e. heat attack, car crash, etc.) when bed availability is maxed out? Just curious.