Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Teo...is it your assertion that a company engaged in pharmaceuticals should only appoint plumbers or audio cable manufacturers to their board? We wouldnt want anyone on a corporate board to have any knowledge of the industry would we? That would be the equivalent of putting someone who has filed bankruptcy multiple times in charge of your financial future...oh wait...


In all seriousness, let’s define a word or seek it’s known definition.

When governments, in an electoral system that involves the given country’s public... when said governments & private monies or corporations collude with one another, either openly or in secret, against the will of the people... when they do this for one another’s benefit, against or contrary to the benefit of the public...this scenario has a name.


When they do the same... but don’t use the little bits of colored and numbered paper (’money’) and associated ledgers, they call it: communism.

On China’s ’board of directors’ (the NPC), there is apparently now over 100 billionaires.

It’s become so bad that one can’t tell the difference anymore...

I tend to think that it can all be loosely labelled/collated under the term  'organized crime'.

Corruption and Deception for financial gain? When our health is at stake?? 🤔