Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


I am very dumbfounded that someone say RT is propaganda...

For sure it is propaganda and more than that, it is easy to spot the bias...it is not hidden, it is a general  orientation around the interest of Russia for suree...It is in PLAIN SIGHT and almost openly admitted... We will tell all thing but with our perspective included also... This is the BIAS...very visible...


But i am dumdfounded by something way more disturbing than this EVIDENCE..

All known US media in TV, those i know the best, are not biased not at all.. This is way worse than bias like RT which is bias..

US TV DONT GIVE ANY NEWS FROM THE WORLD save in exceptional inevitable case, simple...

The rest of the world dont exist then, simple, no need to present a fact with a bias, there is nothing about ANY EXTERNAL DEMOCRATIC DEBATES about the world crisis in US TV save internal news...With only 2 visible biases : republican Or democrat...

It is a tragedy, it is the only reason why i dont laugh my butt through my mouth ...

Then after having no news of the world external situation, american citizens are supposed to think and vote?

The system was 2 box, one named democrat, the other box republican that SEEMED separated but where working a bit together but not very much so ( guess why ? who said we must divide to conquer and stay in power ?) , but with Trump the 2 boxes were definitively separated officially...The US was always broken for decades now before him but Trump made it clear for all to see... The only point where Trump was right is that he is an outsider...For sure a false billionaire looking for attention and money...

With the pandemy crisis the SAME PEOPLE always behind these 2 boxes pushes the button "mass vaccinations"... After the WORST managing crisis of a pandemy in known history...Even a children reading few minutes about the way we must treat disease and healthy people would have understood that, after some time thinking about history...But the censorship is so heavy not only on TV but on social media that i am dumbfounded yes that ignorant s call RT biased... for sure RT is biased but at least they spoke EACH day about all world events without end with debates.... They are bias but how do we may call US TV ? You catch like me thetragi- comic of the situation?

To be biased someone MUST have an event to comment about with the idea to show his bias ....If there is no event there is no visible bias to show... Simple... american TV may mimic "objectivity" because she present NO EVENT at all, then american TV has no bias to show for sure...

There is world wide protest against all the corrupted and sleepwalking governments of the world so called democracies for months and months and against the health politic inherited from Fauci and Gates or WHO, all measures taken for corporations only, no health sane science and guess what : you see nothing of that on US TV...

Some here dont even see the censorship nor through it...

They say RT is bias... This the extent of their lucidity...

I am without words...

I will not go and spoke about corporations vaccinations contracts... Any mafia is a more human organization than these corporations.. If you think i exagerete you are beyond help... You need a nanny....


«Why dont we see you anymore in TV Groucho ? Because i am Russian »-Groucho Marx 🤓

Trust issues deepen as yet another FDA commissioner joins the pharmaceutical industry

Pharma-giant Pfizer announced on June 28 that the former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb would be joining its board of directors. The move fell in line with a troubling pattern: After their tenure at the FDA, commissioners tend to go on to advise private companies in the pharmaceutical industry.

In fact, 9 out of the last 10 FDA commissioners—representing nearly four decades of agency leadership—have gone on to work for pharmaceutical companies. The lone exception, David Kessler, joined the ranks in academia before eventually settling in his current position as chair of the board of directors at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit nutritional science advocacy group.



On its own, Gottlieb’s move from FDA commissioner to Pfizer board member isn’t necessarily a problem for the FDA. There’s nothing illegal about the move, Kessler told Quartz in an interview.


However, when it happens again and again—as it has for the past 38 years—it raises the specter of conflict of interest. The perception of a so-called “revolving door”—a chummy agreement between big drug companies and the regulators who approve their products for sale—undermines trust in the FDA.

“[The American people]believe that the FDA is making their decisions in their interest and no one else’s,” Kessler told Quartz.

In addition to the issues arising from the agency’s pharmaceutical ties, Kessler said he also worries about the FDA’s politicization, which could be viewed as a threat to its ability to base decisions on independent, scientific analysis.

Teo...is it your assertion that a company engaged in pharmaceuticals should only appoint plumbers or audio cable manufacturers to their board? We wouldnt want anyone on a corporate board to have any knowledge of the industry would we? That would be the equivalent of putting someone who has filed bankruptcy multiple times in charge of your financial future...oh wait...


In all seriousness, let’s define a word or seek it’s known definition.

When governments, in an electoral system that involves the given country’s public... when said governments & private monies or corporations collude with one another, either openly or in secret, against the will of the people... when they do this for one another’s benefit, against or contrary to the benefit of the public...this scenario has a name.


When they do the same... but don’t use the little bits of colored and numbered paper (’money’) and associated ledgers, they call it: communism.

On China’s ’board of directors’ (the NPC), there is apparently now over 100 billionaires.

It’s become so bad that one can’t tell the difference anymore...

I tend to think that it can all be loosely labelled/collated under the term  'organized crime'.

Corruption and Deception for financial gain? When our health is at stake?? 🤔