Upgrade my DAC or buy more weed?

So I was just listening to Bad Company (Live) "No Smoke Without a Fire" at near deafening levels (about 94db at my seat), the REL G1 was pumping away... it sounded like I was actually at the effing concert... and I am POSITIVE my neighbor was hearing what was going on as well... and I was wondering if I really should be thinking about upgrading to a better DAC or if those funds might be better invested on more weed? 

It seems like more and more lately, that when I am baked on a heavy Indica like Bubba Kush, Blackwater or AK-47, that I seem to "get" the music more and enjoy the listening session more.  Also, it seems that I become more open to different types of music as well.  Likely the same with musicians and song writers... they probably create some of their best work when they are high.

Just wondering I guess about dumping more money into system upgrades or just leave it as is and keep on smokin' ?
Weed, music, and FOOD!  There's your match made in heaven.

Two weeks ago I had a work buddy over for some smoking and listening, something we do every few months together.  He bought me a great gift of some very fine bourbon:  Blanton's Straight from the Barrel.  I started loving bourbon ~3 years ago, and I find it a perfect accompaniment to weed.  This Blanton's has re-defined what bourbon can be to me.  It is ridiculously expensive, so you only pour a little, and you sip it really slowly.  I literally will simply wet my tongue with 3 - 4 drops and let is soak in - - it's a 5 minute experience per application!  It just evolves in so many wonderfully flavorful ways over that time, so much more than any other bourbon I've drank (Prichard's Double Barreled and Colonel Taylor Single Barrel had been my previous "bests").

Well, while having smoked some fantastic weed and enjoying an ounce or so of this Blanton's, I started applying this same long, slow savoring approach to the food we had:  outstanding licorice, chocolates, seasoned nuts.  And I found that the Blanton's had changed my life.  I ended up eating only a little bit of food throughout the 5 hour listening session, as opposed to getting stuffed to the gills.  This solves my biggest problem with weed:  the munchy monster.  And it is just so much more "zen".

I do think weed changes how your brain reacts to sensory perception, which makes tastes and sounds just so appealing (and physical intimacy, it must be said - - tough to beat sex!).

Like @snackeyp above, I was a real chronic for a few years in my adolescence, and I found steady smoking to be deadening to life.  But at a frequency of once a week max, I find weed to add something nice.

I also find weed to be an excellent differentiator for system quality:  if my system is tending to the boring or annoying side, I just can't stand it stoned.  If I'm leaving the room, that speaks volume about where my system evolution is at.  When I have it tuned right for "engaging" I never want to stop listening.
I was listening to some old tunes last night and had a temporal shift back to some meaningful events in my life that were current when I was listening to this music.

Listening to Overnight Sensation and Apostrophe last night took me back to the 420 Club in Amsterdam a few years ago, where a huge photo of FZ was staring down at me from the wall while they had his albums playing, while I watched a video on a huge tv screen with no sound from a nature show of the release and flight of a Condor with a Go Pro strapped to his back, while I waited for the joint’s (pun intended) Volcano to do its magic.  Indelibly stamped in my hippocampus now (they played lot of Supertramp too).  Just remember everybody, “the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe”.