Upgrade over Sonos ZP90?

Hi there fellow a-goners.
I am in the process of upgrading my system. I use my faithful Sonos as a digital source and have been perfectly happy with it up-to-date. However, I understand that there are better digital transports out there. What I need is a transport that would be as user-friendly as the Sonos, but will exceeded in terms of sound quality and have the ability to do high res. I intend to use it as a transport with an external DAC and my DAC does not have USB input, so it’s either coaxial or Optical inputs (I have a Reimyo DAP-777 and a CHORD DAC64).

I was looking at aurender, auralic Aries, and Linn Akurate DS1.
I also have an Oppo 105D i use it strictly for video, as my experience with it as an audio  transport has not been good: Sonos sounds better.
I am a cost minding type of guy, so I am looking for a used piece preferably under 2000 us. Thanks for your help and looking forward to your advice.
One of my Sonos ZP90s was modded by Cullen Circuits (the 24/96 upclock mod). Was playing great (and much better than the stock) when I got it initially. But when the upgrade bug bit me a few years later (now exactly), I started experimenting and found that the stock ZP90 outplayed the modded version.
Must be something wrong with it...

Thank you for posting your experience with Wyrd4sound mod. I have been on fence to do this upgrade for a while. The stock Connect box through my Oppo 205 DAC using a S/PDIF cable sound pretty good. 

What DAC you’re using with your Connect? And what output you’re using, S/PDIF or Toslink?
I just did the wyrd4sound mod.  Ripped all my cd's to FLAC and the sonos now upsamples from 44.1 to 96.  The background is now super quiet and the clock they use beats the hell out of the stock one.  Very happy with sound of the downloads and I never play the cd's anymore.  Better through FLAC.

Too bad, but better than being in Trump land, trust me.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio


“One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume”.

Steve, thanks, but... Trouble is, I am way across the pond, in Mordor (if you know what I mean) ;-)

ja_zz - there is 0% potential to go wrong, besides I offer 30-day money-back, less shipping. It’s a small risk to try it at least. Read these customer feedbacks in the last 3 weeks:


Synchro-Mesh will be a much bigger upgrade than buying a new server, even an expensive one. Cheaper too.

Why don’t you try both a new server and the Synchro-Mesh on your Sonos and send back the one that is less good?

At a minimum, I recommend upgrading your S/PDIF cable to my Standard BNC (with RCA adapters) or the Reference BNC (with RCA adapters).  My customers tell me it's a no-brainer.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio


How good is Bluesound compared to Aurender?

To my ears, N100 has a very expansive soundstage but it requires careful matching of downstream components especially the DAC and cable (USB or COAX). I say this cause I have seen few here have expressed that they were unable to discern any difference in SQ between N100 and brand - X costing less. 

Our expectations are high when we spend 2-3 times on a product that is being compared to other competing products costing less in that category. As you know, in this hobby sometimes it’s hard to justify cost vs. improvements you gain by spending 2-3 times more so it simply boils down to one’s individual preferences and associated components. 

For the money, I can say unequivocally that Node 2 is pretty unbeatable in SQ and features. Many here has praised Node 2 SQ when paired with a good mid-Fi DAC (like Ayre Codex). 


The only way to find out what you end up preferring is by auditioning both components in your home. N100 and Node 2 are available through online retailers with 30 days money back guarantee. 

And if you really like SONOS, the mod offered by Wyrd 4 Sound would be the next logical step, IMHO. 

Hope this helps! 
I will think about it, but at this stage I concur with @lalitk : the more boxes and wires, the more potential too go wrong...
You need the better S/PDIF cable anyway, so there is no savings there - I disagree, with Synchro Mesh Clocker you are adding another component in the middle of Sonos and DAC. So you do end up buying an additional S/PDIF cable instead of going direct between SONOS and the DAC.

My point is that almost nobody has a S/PDIF cable this good, so replace the one you have with this one.  It will make a big difference, even with no reclocker.

There is also the benefit of upsampling 44.1 to 96. The DAC will sound better because the digital filter is better - Wyrd 4 Sound recommends 96khz upsampling with their mod, so no difference here.

Maybe, maybe not. The devil is in the details. There is only one upsampling chip IME that performs well. All others are substandard. I used to mod myself, so I got to hear lots of different chips.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio


Ahh!...the good old debate on Seperates vs Integrated 😉

I don’t have anything to gain from pushing either of these suggestions to ‘UP’ the SONOS performance so I am going to dish out my point of view, whether anyone agrees with me or not.

You need the better S/PDIF cable anyway, so there is no savings there - I disagree, with Synchro Mesh Clocker you are adding another component in the middle of Sonos and DAC. So you do end up buying an additional S/PDIF cable instead of going direct between SONOS and the DAC.

Shelf space is 4.5"X4.5". Pretty small - Still another component on the shelf you now need to make room for.

There is also the benefit of upsampling 44.1 to 96. The DAC will sound better because the digital filter is better - Wyrd 4 Sound recommends 96khz upsampling with their mod, so no diffrence here.

There is also the benefit of galvanic isolation - 👍

Yes. It is always better to design and power something separately rather than modding. I know this because I modded all types of transports and computer audio devices for 10 years, including Sonos. This is better.

You need the better S/PDIF cable anyway, so there is no savings there.

Shelf space is 4.5"X4.5". Pretty small.

There is also the benefit of upsampling 44.1 to 96. The DAC will sound better because the digital filter is better.

There is also the benefit of galvanic isolation.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio


Would you say Synchro-Mesh Clocker is a better option than Wyrd 4 Sound modification?


After all we are adding an additional expense of another S/PDIF cable and shelf space.

Forget about replacing the Sonos. Just add a $599 Synchro-Mesh reclocker and a good $275 BNC S/PDIF cable to it. Here are jitter plots before and after:


20psec of jitter from a Sonos. Never happened before the SM.  This beats even the best servers available. They also need the SM to lower the jitter.

Here are some S/PDIF cable jitter measurements:


Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Thanks for your reply. N100C is quite rare, N100H is a lot more common.
How good is Bluesound compared to Aurender?

Also, does anybody have experience with Soundaware, namely D100PRO?


If you can find a Aurender N100C used that would give you the best digital sound quality among the three choices you mentioned above.

Having said that, you can also look at Bluesound Node 2. I can’t think of anything else currently available that provides a better value and sound quality under $500. Node 2 has a digital coax output for connection to your existing DAC’s. The Bluesound app is very similar to SONOS app and you get the same flexibility to stream from Tidal, Deezer or Spotify.

Node 2 also has a very decent internal DAC so you can go direct into your pre through its analog outputs. By using its analog output, you can experience the MQA files from Tidal streaming but I believe you may prefer the sound through Reimyo or Chord DAC over its internal DAC.

I currently own Vault 2 which gives me two distinct advantages over Node 2. First, It allows me to rip my rare CD’s to its internal hard drive. And secondly, I get to browse and download high resolution files from HDTRACKS straight into its hard drive. All through the blusound app. No external laptop or computer needed.

Good luck!