My system currently consists of the following:  

1. Martin Logan 11A impression hybrid electrostatic speakers. 

2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amplifier

3. Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp

4. Lumin U2 mini transport streamer

5. Chord Qutest Dac

Happy with the sound, but on many tracks on Qoboz the sound especially on rock leaves a lot to be desired. This could be the function of the source itself (the recording) is poor. Would a better DAC yield more detail and better sound? My price limit is about $5000.00.  Not looking to buy used. Wish to work with a dealer because I have found them to be incredibly helpful. Also looking for a company that provides phone customer support. There is nothing like a conversation or a discussion to solve an issue. I understand that my view is a minority view out there. As we are in a self-service world.  But I am used to a person picking up the phone and asking how can I help you?  Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.  Thank you. 



First thing I wonder if,exactly what is wrong or lacking with the sound?
 I would start by looking at the tubes in the PreAmp..It's possible a simple tube roll would open up detail...I also wonder about the cabling of the system..IMO,copper cables smooth over detail compared to silver plated or pure silver...
 If a tube change didn't address the issues I would look to a Chord dealer & the more advance choices up the line since you are familiar with the Chord house sound...

OP poor recordings will not be corrected by a more expensive DAC.Why play poor recordings then? Stick on what you have.

Thank you for your responses. I understand that the best DAC in the world cannot fix a bad recording. But impossible  to know if the lack of detail is from a poor recording or not. Perhaps many of the recordings I listen to are good recordings, but a better DAC that is more musical and better at retrieving detail would make all the difference in the world.  Thank you.