My system currently consists of the following:  

1. Martin Logan 11A impression hybrid electrostatic speakers. 

2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amplifier

3. Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp

4. Lumin U2 mini transport streamer

5. Chord Qutest Dac

Happy with the sound, but on many tracks on Qoboz the sound especially on rock leaves a lot to be desired. This could be the function of the source itself (the recording) is poor. Would a better DAC yield more detail and better sound? My price limit is about $5000.00.  Not looking to buy used. Wish to work with a dealer because I have found them to be incredibly helpful. Also looking for a company that provides phone customer support. There is nothing like a conversation or a discussion to solve an issue. I understand that my view is a minority view out there. As we are in a self-service world.  But I am used to a person picking up the phone and asking how can I help you?  Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.  Thank you. 



First thing I wonder if,exactly what is wrong or lacking with the sound?
 I would start by looking at the tubes in the PreAmp..It's possible a simple tube roll would open up detail...I also wonder about the cabling of the system..IMO,copper cables smooth over detail compared to silver plated or pure silver...
 If a tube change didn't address the issues I would look to a Chord dealer & the more advance choices up the line since you are familiar with the Chord house sound...

OP poor recordings will not be corrected by a more expensive DAC.Why play poor recordings then? Stick on what you have.

Thank you for your responses. I understand that the best DAC in the world cannot fix a bad recording. But impossible  to know if the lack of detail is from a poor recording or not. Perhaps many of the recordings I listen to are good recordings, but a better DAC that is more musical and better at retrieving detail would make all the difference in the world.  Thank you. 

I find most rock recordings to be subpar, so if you’re happy with the sound with other genres it’s probably the recordings and making them sound more palatable may come at the price of making good recordings sound worse — not a good trade IMHO.  That said, if there are improvements you’d like to achieve in general (and who among us don’t have those?) it would seem to me either your DAC or preamp would be areas where there’s significant upside potential, and maybe one thing to consider is the new LTA Audio Aero DAC that member @teajay just reviewed and offers a 14-day trial.  Personally I’d seriously consider doing that just to see what it could bring, and my guess it’d be a lot and that you wouldn’t return it.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.