Upgrade thoughts

I'm considering an upgrade-not committed to it and not sure which component would be best to upgrade. System= Sonus Faber Serafino; Michi s5 amp; Simaudio 390 preamp; DCS Bartok DAC streamer (currently being upgraded to Apex); Clearaudio DC Performance TT; Simaudio 610LP phono pre; Ortofon Cadenza Bronze Cart; Roon Nucleus; Nordost Heimdall II speaker cables and interconnects; Shunyata PC; Room is approximately 36x24 with an area opening to a different room. 

I enjoy different kinds of music-jazz-60s, 70s rock, country, accoustical. No classical or electronic- not a lot of really bass heavy stuff. Mostly stream from Qobuz-really enjoy my vinyl rig but too old and lazy to get up every 20 minutes. 

I'm pretty satisfied with my system-spend a couple of hours with it every night- and maybe should leave well enough alone. If I had to identify what I would like more of, maybe a wider soundstage and a bit more detail. Or, maybe I just have a recurring case of upgraditis because that seems to go with this hobby. 

Have toyed with going to Boulder 1160 amp. The Michi S5 might seem the logical weak spot, but I think its pretty good. Auditioned against McIntosh and Classe and I liked the Michi better. Boulder is obviously in a different price category-wondering how much improvement i might get for the money. 

Also considered going to Magico S5 MkII speakers. The SFs are fine speakers-would this be more of a lateral move?

Might be able to audition these in a showroom-probably not with my setup. 

Would appreciate any helpful thoughts-particularly about the Boulder and/or Magico.

Budget is 15-20 plus trade-in-obviously would be happy to spend less.

 I don't post that often but look at the forum everyday and have learned a lot. Things like never debate raven vs. prima luna, but helpful stuff as well. 



We had dinner a few tables away from Larry David. (we had tickets to see him later at a nearby comedy club).

How brilliant is he, George's hands, phobias, .... It was both interesting and distracting to see him rearrange the salt/pepper/ketchup OVER and OVER again.

I watch re-runs, never gets old. 

George was the most interesting character for sure, most referenced, quoted. 

I feel like a loser so often and then I think of George/Jason and don't feel alone!


A couple of things you could try:


Experiment with speaker placement / toe-in - angling in the speaker towards your listening position could yield the smidge more detail you're seeking. Sitting closer to the speakers could make the sound more enveloping.


Connecting the Bartok directly to the amp - this might help you figure out if the preamp is a bottleneck on overall system resolution.


I wouldn't hesitate to audition the Magico's. I've only heard the discontinued Q series at a shop once and they sounded quite good.

Just wanted to circle back and thank everyone for the very useful input. I learn a lot from the people on this forum who provide constructive insights. I ended up trading my speakers for Sonus, Faber Il Cremonese I think I got a pretty good deal on a demo pair with very few hours.
my dealer was able to set up my exact system for an audition in his store. I also auditioned the magico speakers with a boulder amp.
These are all superb components in my opinion and this set up sounded great, but moving up the SF line just suited me a little better. The new speakers give me a bigger Sound stage, a little more detail, more gravity to the music and of course better bass extension. This is pretty much what I was looking for. Probably fit my room better as was suggested in the discussion.

I tend to be pretty loyal to my dealer which can be limiting, but on the other hand, he takes good care of me, and given my limited technical abilities it's comforting to know that if something goes wrong, he's a phone call away.

just wanted to close the loop on this discussion and say thanks again to everyone who provided advice. I have made some notes and will be considering what I learned here if and when I go for another round

i'm very happy with the sound of my system with the new speakers, and really look forward every day to the time that I can just chill out, close my eyes and take in the music.

Thanks again




OP, congratulations.


It is hard to believe you will not be really happy for a very long time with those speakers. Great choice.


I am close friends with my dealer, and thankfully he picked up the product lines I wanted shortly before I needed them. Your dealer did exactly what he should have… that is what they are there for. Great on getting a set of demos.