Upgrading my Sovtek 6922 vacuum tubes

I realize that tube rolling is probably the most subjective discussion on this planet. However, I need some help. I'm currently running a Pathos classic one (MKII) integrated amp that uses Sovtek 6922 preamp tubes. They sound good, but to me, I would like to have more bass response. My budget would be $100-150 for a pair. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
I have the Pathos Classic One MKIII and have tried many types. My suggestion is to get a Platinum grade, matched pair of Matsushita 7dj8’s. These are excellent, affordable and will work great in your amp.

I tried Matsushita 7dj8 in a Herron preamp, didn't find them to be anything special sound wise
Brent Jesse still has Amperex Holland 6dj8's for well under $100/matched pair.

I would suggest that late 60's production that typically has an Orange/World Globe logo over the older Bugle Boy version.

Thanks dekay,

I'm looking into the Amperex options. Do you feel they would be an improvement over say Gold Lions (platinum) series from Uuscale?