I would like to improve my digital chain and I’d like to get your feedback on which component(s) are worth upgrading first. I would like to get a more natural/organic sound and more naturally layered soundstage. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds good but there is a bit of digital haze ( I think the blacks could be blacker and spatial cues could be more present- thus the somewhat flat presentation), and at times the music sounds a little artificial, albeit very clean.
I use Roon to stream Tidal and Qobuz and the digital audio chain consists of ethernet cable> switch (basic cisco)> 2 ethernet cables
> Macmini (roon core)
> Moon 280d with Mind2 bridge (roon endpoint
Problem child could be the ESS moon dac... Do a lil experiment and get a Schiit Bifrost multibit (has a 14 day return period). If the Schiit took the fake away and gave you a natural organic sound with a layered soundstage, etc, keep the Schiit and sell the Moon to a Moon fan....Or you could keep both dacs and use the moon instead for electronic, trance, house music, etc (for dancing the night away...). If the Schiit sucked, you would have 14 days to return it and get your money back.