Upgrading power cord.. proven upgrade? or crap?

The thing i cannot understand is how a new high quality cable will enhance the quality of the flow of electricity that previously went into cheap house electrical wires ?

it's like saying that with good equipment u'll get a higher than CD sound from a FM stereo source or a cheap Mp3 ..

please help me understand .. :)

Showing 1 response by tireguy

Yes indeed power cords do make a difference, maybe some folks systems are not high enough resolution to pull the extra detail out of the upgrade. The question is, are they a good value? Most major power cords have less then $100 of materials in them the rest is all marketing, and these cables go for a few thousand dollars! that is crazy! Buy one take it apart and build a few clones and then sell the original, you’ll get the same improvement but will have 1/10 the cost into it. Not for everyone but I know more then a few folks who have had great luck with such upgrades, besides it keeps the WAF low, I think there is an additional 10% surcharge on the WAF when crazy high buck cables are purchased