Once again thank you very much for taking your time to write so thorough responses to my inquiry.
Are you doing it because you want to have fun and enjoy the hobby? Are you making a repair and it is an opportunity to possibly improve a short coming? Are you dissatified with the piece of equipment? [Would it be cheaper to sell the gear and invest the money (including what you might spend on parts and labor) into something better. Can you afford to write off the investment in the equipment you are modifying? (Somethimes it can be real hard to sell modified equipment.)]
Relevant and necessary reflections that I believe one should carefully consider oneself before proceeding with these major adjustments.
Figure out which resistors and caps you're looking to upgrade, post the values and where they are in the circuit, and current brand, and you'll get some good recommendations.
As I mentioned I'm considering Yamamoto Sound Craft VT-52. It is supposed to be an astonishing amplifier made of high quality craftsmanship.
After reading the article of switching components here and there, I started wondering how that would work on a Yamamoto amplifier. II have a pair of Audio Note speakers, entry-level, although they may be upgraded to AN SPe/HE very soon. Then I started to play with the thought of changing bits of Yamamoto to Audio Note components (capacitors, resistors and perhaps tube sockets as I heard Yamamotos aren't the best) to see if you could improve the amplifier a tiny bit. Perhaps it could also promote synergy with my speakers, who knows...
The intent is not to have a Yamamoto amplifier that becomes a clone of Audio Note but rather, identify if there are components within the Yamamoto circuit that could be improved.