Upsampling, Can there be too much?

I've owned the Chord Mscaler for a year and loved it, but recently added two new components that have built in upsampling: The Aurender W20SE, and the Jay's Audio CDT3-MK3. I find the Mscaler works well with the Aurender's built in upsampling, but not the Jay's.


Conclusion: not upsampling the Jay's, and standard redbook 16-bit 44Khz to the Mscaler gives incredible 24-bit 705Khz to the Hugo TT2 DAC for finest sound.


With multiple upsamplers in a chain has anyone gotten static, popping, smearing, or any kind of distortion from too much upsampling?



I didn't want that response.  All 6 conditioning channels on my Everest are taken. 


😂 Funny you mentioned the Everest, was thinking about upgrading my IsoTek Sigma to the Everest this week.


Shunyata might be the best way to go and I spent more on the NR power cables than the Everest, but this was the biggest upgrade in sound that I’ve made so far. If you are a dealer ignore this next part, but they had a large price increase a month or so look for old stock.

I have no problem with Aurender N30 upsampling with Mscaler.


It seems that Macaler get less burden.


It help to have linear power supply with Mscaler in additionn to Dave.





USB  connection requires a constant handshake. Reboot, restart or repower do not ALWAYS work. Close to last resort physically r & r'd the output cable.


Funny not!