Upsampling DACS: Take the Pepsi Challenge

HAs anyone used 2 of the following 3 relatively inexpensive upsampling DACs: Perpetual technologies, Bel Canto, MSB Link 3 with upsampling upgrade?? I am trying to sort out the details of the new technologies. The Perp Tech can "interpolate", while the others do not. I am under the impression that the "24 bit" part of this new technology has to do with s/n ratios aroung 140 db, which is great, but a little useless considering the other equipment in the system. The sampling freq is the part that has me all aflutter, because it seems to be getting closer to analog quality "infinite sampling" if you will... What do you think? Has anyone compared these dacs?? Thanks, gang.
Gee, I guess I just like to know who I'm talking to. Imagine that? I expected people in this hobby to have more manners than both of you do, that's all...............I think, Jordan or Janie or Jackschmit or Jackass or whoever you are, that if you think that, somehow you know more about audio than John Atkinson (whether he's been right or wrong about any benefits of upsampling, is of little consequence...who are you, the patron saint of highend digital? For one thing, you'd need to die first...but that's another matter), that it is you who needs to keep his ego in check. You could never be anything other than envious of him, and sniping about him bears that out (and J-10 is his polar opposite, everybody knows it). There will always be those that hate people of prominance in the industry or in journalism, and he is well liked by most of us, and has done far more good, than bad (unlike you two, here). I NEVER CLAIMED TO KNOW AS MUCH AS ANY LEADING DESIGNER IN THE INDUSTRY (regarding digital audio, or anything else), so why in hell do you keep harping on this subject? I said it tens of times, that by all means, I defer to the real experts in the field (I said "Jeff Kalt is a better man than me", go look it up...what else would you have me do, sacrifice a burnt offering to him?), and to please not take what I say (when I honestly tried to explain my views, when asked to do so) as "gospel". SHOW ME WHERE I CLAIMED TO BE A MANUFACTURER, or an industry expert. I believe all I did was explain my view on the subject. I am not a manufacturer, don't pretend to be. What else is left to do, before you finally shut your pie hole on this, Jordan? Last time I checked, I wasn't on your payroll, so I guess you can't fire me. How's this, I'll continue to try shedding whatever "pathetic" (imperfect) knowledge I have on subjects in this hobby, right here in this forum...and you change your diaper, and move on. Are you obsessed with me, or something? You need a therapist. One thing I will NOT do, is stop trying to help people in this forum, where I feel like I can. You can try to stop me (for real), but please stop whining, because your posts on the subject of me are wasting Audiogon's server's memory space, and electricity for that matter. Music through audio reproduction is what's important, not interpersonal obsessions (like yours, with me)...and I should remind you that I don't play for the same-gender team (I think you've said you recently got married, but as Craig says, "who knows?"...indeed), so kindly focus your attentions on someone else. Craig seems like a good candidate, I'm sure you'll both be very happy together....unless of course you're both the same demented person. I USE MY REAL NAME, BECAUSE I, AND OTHERS, FEEL IT LENDS MORE CREDIBILITY AND HONOR, and because we are serious about the hobby. I absolutely refuse to apologize for wanting to know who I'm talking to, so get over that right now, both of you. You're both crybabies, stop wasting your time obsessing over me. I'll NOT stop participating in this forum, and I DARE you to stop me. You can't, so shut up! And if you go crying and snivelling to Tom this time, he might just be with me, so watch your back...perhaps Neil will be too...Anyhoo, I suggest you start talking about audio, and keep it off personalities (who's "right", who's "wrong"), or it is likely that YOURS will be the memberships that get revoked, not mine. And if you don't care about your member status, then you are scum, and have no business here AT ALL!!......good riddance!
Carl; In my above post I was complimenting you for bringing it to Audiogon readers attention that JA and Sterophile have been talking about and promoting "upsampling" for quite awhile-- the rest of us kind of glossed over that important fact. The media (Stereophile) can do a lot more educating than anyone on Audiogon can, but they haven't done it in this case-- and I read and like Stereophile, and respect John Atkinson. I got particularly curious about your name interest thing when you almost singlehandedly ran Deborah1 off Audiogon; I have no interest in dwellining on this, but it seems important to you: I've been happily (mostly) married to the same woman for 35 years, and I'm totally secure in my sexuality. And I realize some of your "name play" thing is just in jest. Cheers. Craig.
Did I miss something? Don't we all have a common bond here.Are'nt we all a bunch of obsessive, 2 channel, sweet spot loners? Dont we need to stick together here? I have an idea!!! GO ANALOG and then we will all get along very lovingly! Everyone knows(but won't admit) analog devotees are more pleased and enjoy their music more.Do you hear analog lovers arguing about this crap!
Pheew! Anyway...One thing that does seem to be true is this: We all don't have engineering degrees, myself included, and that goes for the audio mag reviewers as well! If there is a "silver lining" to all this, it would be that the information learned here came from the highest sources! C'mon - direct input from Kevin Halverson at Muse, no less:-)! BTW: Thanks, Kevin. Jordan and Craig have contributed greatly to another ("Up and Oversampling") thread and have credible answers from reliable sources. Carl, you have as well on a variety of topics. I, for one, THOUGHT I HAD a solid understanding of the digital process from A-Z. I now know I have been a "victim" of the confusion set forth by digital "buzz words" in the industry - flowing out of the mouths of dealers, reviewers and corporate marketing. The point here is, at the end of the day, we have gained knowledge. This thread may very well save someone from spending $$$ on "new" equipment - or it may make them go buy it (either way)! I think everyone's motives have been sincere here and it has done the Audiogon community a great service. BTW: I'll STILL read Stereophile!
Regarding the enjoyment of recorded music, what difference does it make whether the equipment upsamples, resamples, oversamples or nosamples (Sakura and Auido Note). Stop obsessing over the internal workings of the complex internal workings of our electronics. Great sounding equipment is being made using a wide variety of designs. Sit in the sweet spot and enjoy the music.