Uptone EtherRegen

Has anyone tried the Uptone a Audio EtherRegen? I just got it delivered, hooked it up between my ethernet connection and my Bridge II on the PS Audio DS DAC. This device reclocks and cleans ups the digital signal. I’m fairly stupid when it comes to all things digital but what I’m hearing is a huge difference. There is an immediate improvement, lowering the noise floor to reveal clarity. The bass in tight and powerful. My first impression says it’s worth every penny of the $640.

It would be interesting to know if anyone uses this device with a Benchmark DAC and if so how much difference there is in that case. 

One of these days (post social distancing now?) I will make it down finally to hear your stuff.

It looks like you have nothing but some of the best gear I have heard running down there these days and a lot of solid thought and research went into it. 

Frankly, I fear if I hear your setup, upgrade fever could set in. That can be expensive! 😳

Jitter and clock phase noise are different ways of quantifying the same phenomenon. Jitter is measurement in time, phase noise is in frequency.
Mathematically the relationship is quantified so engineers designing digital components, DACs, ADCs can filter the jitter/phase noise. Modern DACs even cheap ones do a good job of this.  


Congratulations you added something to the thread that I can agree with. The jitter reduction ultimately occurs at the DAC although it's done so by controlling "pollution" of the DAC from the switch.

This switch bang for the buck is only beaten by the late Tim Mrocks total contact in my experience. Well recorded live music events on you tube , mind blowing sound quality in my system with this switch. Tonight I'm listening to Hauser playing with many guests in an amphitheatre in Pula. Wow! amazing acoustics! Amazing music.

The jitter reduction ultimately occurs at the DAC although it’s done so by controlling "pollution" of the DAC from the switch.

Yes, so as long as the DAC does its job the amount of "pollution" is not relevant unless it causes dropouts or stuttering. Simple test hook up the device if the DAC works without problems fine, now remove the device if the DAC still works without problems then there isn’t enough "pollution" on your wire to matter. It’s actually the software in the streamer that deals with the IP/TCP from the switch. The DAC and  streamer software or /OS negotiate the clock not the switch and DAC. 
"droberson02, isn’t audiosciencereview actually the opposite of pseudo science? They’re actually quantifying w/ measurements, or at least attempting to, while the other camp’s argument is "well it sounds better to my ears you cant measure emotion etc" I have no dog in this fight as I believe measurements aren’t everything but just thought that was kind of an ironic statement"

Sure there’s a middle ground, but it’s a misrepresentation to say that if you don’t believe in someone’s measurements, and interpretation of those measurements, that you’re relying on emotion. Part of science is empirical evidence with repeatable results, to observe and classify, even if you can’t completely explain things. Pseudo-science boxes you in to a limited set of conclusions. Just my opinion after many years of experience in audiophilia, most recently with a very high-end server that made a huge difference, while so many asserted it couldn’t (they’re such experts you know ;).

Not that the "other camp" couldn’t measure and quantify; I believe they could. But at some point you have to prioritize limited time. That said, I noticed someone attached Swenson’s white paper, which does explain some things.