Uptone EtherRegen

Has anyone tried the Uptone a Audio EtherRegen? I just got it delivered, hooked it up between my ethernet connection and my Bridge II on the PS Audio DS DAC. This device reclocks and cleans ups the digital signal. I’m fairly stupid when it comes to all things digital but what I’m hearing is a huge difference. There is an immediate improvement, lowering the noise floor to reveal clarity. The bass in tight and powerful. My first impression says it’s worth every penny of the $640.

"droberson02, isn’t audiosciencereview actually the opposite of pseudo science? They’re actually quantifying w/ measurements, or at least attempting to, while the other camp’s argument is "well it sounds better to my ears you cant measure emotion etc" I have no dog in this fight as I believe measurements aren’t everything but just thought that was kind of an ironic statement"

Sure there’s a middle ground, but it’s a misrepresentation to say that if you don’t believe in someone’s measurements, and interpretation of those measurements, that you’re relying on emotion. Part of science is empirical evidence with repeatable results, to observe and classify, even if you can’t completely explain things. Pseudo-science boxes you in to a limited set of conclusions. Just my opinion after many years of experience in audiophilia, most recently with a very high-end server that made a huge difference, while so many asserted it couldn’t (they’re such experts you know ;).

Not that the "other camp" couldn’t measure and quantify; I believe they could. But at some point you have to prioritize limited time. That said, I noticed someone attached Swenson’s white paper, which does explain some things.

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It's not very productive to see such a divided crowd regarding this devise.
Some people get benefit from it and a few others try to explain how it cannot possibly work.
Kind of leaves me with having to try it on loan, or money back guarantee.
I bought one used and when I installed it I did not notice an obvious difference right off the bat. But I have to say my system is sounding better than ever. I think the improvements are subtle, but everything adds up. I'm not getting rid of it. 
I bought one and tried it for 30 days (actually, more like 40).  The results,for me, in my system, were unsatisfactory.  It did seem to offer more detail, but at the expense of warmth, harmonic richness, and musicality.  Alex told me I was only the third person to ask for a refund, so obviously I’m swimming against the tide here.  He was kind enough to return my money, and was a gentleman about it.  YMMV.