I think FIMM also sees the $$$$ advantage of high density floppies or thumb drives vs. CDs.
Bring 'em on. Use a viable and existing interface that can introduce higher res files? Why not?
Seems to me security will be an issue as well as DRM, copyrights, and probably more items I cant grasp just now with such a device if it were to become mass marketed and really catch on . Which I feel it could.
The problem though is the appeal. Its a niche item in a boutique industry. Thats going to slow things down in a real big hurry . Add to it the extreme proprietary nature of the proposed playback device/server, and the appeal decreases still further.
Im certainly game for higher resolution files in what ever format but theres just not loads of them out there and Im beginning to wonder IF there ever will be. Theres lots more music than symphonies too.
Hopefully this high res music via PC thrust wont wind up like SACD & DVDA., and become so proprietary and limited in scope as to be the gems of the few and not the pearls of the many.