Used vs. new

I am struggling with the decision of buying B&W 804 D4 or an older model like the 802 /803 D3 . I have the same issue with automobiles too.but  for now we can stick to the issue of speakers.


I've and about 50% good luck buying used loudspeakers. If it's a system you are going to keep for a long time, buy a fresh pair.

you can buy better used speakers for the same $ but you knew that. If you have the money why wouldn't you just buy new?

What is your system, audio history.

Speakers from the same manufacturer at the same level in each generation sound cut from the same cloth… but better. There is no reason to release a new model without improvement.


Do you turn audio equipment… or do you expect to keep for ten or twenty years. If the later… new ones and you have listened to them correct. 

Do you have appropriate electronics to feed them.. or are you going to upgrade your electronics to support the new speakers. 

Do you swap cars a lot, of are they just transportation? 

My humble advise to you is to buy good, used equipment with a proved reference or near reference status for no more than the current used market value or less. Ask yourself the question - how many of the new/current hifi equipment would stand the time and eventually become timeless and desirable in a long run? Not many. Learn from the best and proven equipment without loosing a lot of money and don’t gamble on new equipment with no proven track record. This advise is not only about saving money, but the right and only way to learn.  Learn from the best, proven equipment, and not from the new with no track record. Just because the company has long record, it doesn't mean that the new equipment they introduce on the market will be up to par.