Useful Information

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I dont know what to say to you millercarbon, because I know you are not stupid....

Then we must called it illusion....

The reality is plain simple, Trump has no conscience, it is a con man...Like those who sell consciously snake oil... Travel the world at large, ask literate people what they think about Trump in any country.... Dont say to them that Trump is great.... They will smile politely at you.... Sorry....

It is not a question about left or right policies....democrats or republicans.... this is Trump against anybody, this man has zero empathy...Self pity yes, pity for no one....His political working in action crisis is nil....It is not me who say that this is the states officials...This is the greatest crisis in American history, on par at least with civil war...
The reality is plain simple, Trump has no conscience, it is a con man...
It is not a question about left or right policies....democrats or republicans.... this is Trump against anybody, this man has zero empathy...

So you don’t know. Figures. Allow me to enlighten you.

Long before Trump ever ran for office he had his limo pull over, jumped out and stopped a mugging on the NY city sidewalk. It happened. It was covered in the papers at the time.

Right now in Trump Tower lives a woman rent free. She had been living in the building that was there before Trump. For a very long time. When Trump heard he set her up and there she lives to this day rent free.

Trump limo gets a flat. Man stops to help. No we’re fine thanks. Proceeds to change tire anyway. Trump asks is there anything I can do for you? Maybe send my wife some flowers. Wife gets flowers. Few weeks later they get the mortgage. Trump paid it off.

NYC wastes 5 years and $20M trying to renovate the Wollman Ice Rink in Central Park. Trump gets tired of looking at it. Trump says let me. Mayor refuses. Trump takes out newspaper ad, shames mayor into letting him do it. Trump calls hockey team owner, learns how to do it, whole thing done in 9 months for $1M. Trumps money.

Speaking of which, all the money a US President is paid, Trump is not taking one dime, it is all donated to charity. One of the rare charitable contributions he takes credit for. Most of what he does, the visits to service men and women, the help he provides out of his own pocket, almost all of that is done privately. He is the very model of charity.

There’s so many of these stories its incredible the job the fake news does creating the lie that the man is anything less than a modern day George Washington. Its actually quite insulting for anyone who knows me at all to think it even remotely possible I could be so ill informed. Let alone to say he has no conscience and all those other insults. Know this- you insult not only myself, but the millions who support him and attend his rallies and love him.

I make allowance for fake news. I make allowance for ideologically biased Goolag searches. But you are not a vegetable. You have free will. You have a brain. You need to take some responsibility for informing yourself. DYODD. Look it up.

“Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life,' and even now I feel that way - this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it's not true.”