user poll on seperates vs integrated

Hey guys, I wanted to try and crowd-source some (likely very opinionated, unscientific) knowledge.  I've read about the benefits of separates (have only ever used integrated myself), and I'm wondering how those benefits compare to the benefits of higher end parts/assembly, when controlled for cost.


To put it more plainly, would you likely get better overall results from a $5000 preamp and $5000 amp, or from a $10,000 integrated, given the likely quality/components used in equipment in those price ranges.


If you're experienced both separates, and integrated amps that cost the equivalent of those separate parts added together, can you speak to which you preferred?


Thanks for weighing in.


For many enthusiasts like me, there is always going to be a stronger pull towards separates - they're just too cool. You got your phono & preamp in the rack under the turntable, and a monoblock next to each speaker. Just as God intended 😎

Most integrated amps truncate the preamp gain stages, which is OK for digital sources pushing out 2 - 4V+ signals. But as an analog source first guy (often no digital), I appreciate having the extra gain on tap to fill in for that lo-MC or tape deck when needed. And of course, more tubes from separates means more rolling opportunities.

I’d also say it depends on the level of integrated you are looking at. My Boulder 866 drives my Rockport Avior ii speakers extremely well. Good luck !

I have been there and done that…as in separates (Audio Research Ref 1 and Pass Labs X-250) to integrated (Gold Note IS 1000 Deluxe). Obviously, this is a cost step down for me, but, all things considered, I am extremely happy with my current system and very appreciative of the functionality and sleekness afforded by the “one box” solution.

At that price (10,000) I’d recommend integrated, but separates and monoblocks are far superior. But not possible unless you go 5 times over that budget, you’ll get incredible sound out of a top 10k integrated.

Although I have had separate over the years, with a tube P.A.,I find that my I.A. is a good match with my speakers. I don't believe anything is missing. 

Separates have greater flexibility if swapping P.A's is desired,  but there are many well designed I.A's that perform equally as well. There are lots of choices and price bracket to pick from.