oldrooney: thanks for the thoughtful reply, there is so much to consider. among other things, the room i'm in now is not likely the room i'll be in forever, as it's a rental.
i was initially in the market for something more in the range of the focal 2, since that's where my budget was at, but a dealer had the 3s on hand that he'd taken as a trade-in and sold them to me for less than the price of the 2s, i couldn't pass that deal up, even if i knew it was something i'd need to grow into, both in terms of system and space for it to occupy, over the course of some years, i considered it more of a long term investment.
whenever possible, i prefer to save a little more and stretch to something that is maybe a little farther up than i was initially, looking, and then just keep and enjoy it for a long time, vs get something more entry level and keep feeling like i want to upgrade it every year or two.
a long way of saying that at the moment, the speakers are probably overkill for the room, but i move around often enough, they might be perfect in the next one. i don't listen at extreme volumes, not trying to terrorize the neighbors, nor is the music i'm playing terribly bass-forward, mostly rock, pop, folk and some r&b/soul. the rogue tube amp i have now offers plenty of power for them, at 91db sensitivity, i rarely ever get past 50% on the volume dial and that's in triode mode which i believe halves the output.
i enjoy tubes and would be happy to stay that course, although i don't like the aesthetics of most tube gear (to me it looks like it was cobbled together from parts of an old soviet submarine) i wish more tube amp manufactueres would embrace contemporary design aesthetics. some exceptions i've seen recently are esoteric, and copland, but the ones that i like the look of tend to be out of my price range (i think i just really prefer a closed-chassis design, i don't need all the bits to be exposed, they just get dusty).
i do think, whether i continue down the separates path, or go integrated, i'll continue to use tubes.