Using 2 different brands of interconnects?

Is there any problem with this if the cables are in the same ballpark in quality (or price)? Do cables have such different sound signatures that things get muddied or cancelled out?

Forgive my ignorance. This is my first venture into the topic. I'm talking about under $100 gear for a meter length..
“ …. $100 is relatively inexpensive for interconnects. The correct answer is, “it depends” the better your components, the bigger the difference you are likely to hear. But if your components are under a couple thousand each, it is unlikely to be noticable…”

+ 1 ….

(1) Everything in this hobby is built to its price point. At a very modest budget strata price-point for cables at $100, it is generally distilled down to just pick one of the popular brands …. And buy them pre-owned.

(2) If the audio system as a whole is unable to provide the requisite resolution for using high-end cables, its a wasted and expensive exercise.

Get whatever sounds the very best you can afford, period. You will be amazed how well this works.
This, and no harm to match brands but better still get ones from same manufacturer.

I understand this is a charged topic and there have been a lot of debates already about it. To refocus us again, let me mention that my question is not about expense or the value of cables in general or anything along those lines. It’s just the mixing of different brands when you need to use more than one interconnect. I’ve received a lot of perspective on this and I appreciate it.
you'll get changes from one on vs slightly different changes form the other. it may all be complimentary as total stack of effects and considerations, or it may not be all complimentary.

No harm will be done and it certainly won't stop the tunes from flowing.

And there's not much else to say about it... try it and see kinda thing.

Good? bad? You're the guy with the cable...

no cables were harmed in the making of this comment.