Using Linn With Other Brands

My current system is a Linn Classik driving Dyna Contour 1.1s. I'm thinking of adding an amp through the Classik's pre-outs to give the Dynas more juice. (The Classik is 75 watts @ 4ohms.) I don't want to be limited to only Linn, but I've heard so much about the Linn synergy and how it doesn't mate well with other equipment that I'm hesitant to try another brand. Are my fears justified or will Linn sound good with other gear?
Thanks in advance.
Doug hit the nail on the proverbial head regarding Linn plc's marketing hype. Just want to specify that in my previous post, I'm quoting the Linn chap; whereas Doug is relating personal experience -- a much more valuable guide in your quest, IMO. You can also note the equipment Doug mentions and relate to (compare & contrast with) other brands, too...
Hi Exley

I've used Linn equipment for the last 12 years, originally a Linn Sondek in combination with Naim Pre/Power amps and then with Linn Pre/power amps. I've also used a Meridian CD/DAC front-end with my Linn pre-power amps, and then a Karik/Numerik with a Kairn & 2 Klouts. In all cases I've managed to get really enjoyable musicality. I have a marginal preference for a full Linn system, but my advice would be to take your Classik into your dealer (with your Dyna's if possible) and ask them to set it up in a listening room with a combination of power amps.