Using Martin Logan speakers with tube amps??Any experiences??

Hi Dear  Fellows

Any of you have experienced using Martin Logan speakers with based tube amps?I have a pair of cary cad 805ae monoblock amps, wich are pure class A, 50 watts per channel.What do you think?.....Are they powerfull enough to drive,  for instance ,Martin Logan Aerius, Stylos etc.Many thanks for your advices.
Thanks in advance!

I have the good fortune to have a friend who drives M-L 15a Renaissance electrostats with a vintage Audio Research tube amp.  Don't know the model, but has, if memory serves,16 output tubes total.  He can really open those stats up with that amp!  He is in an enormous room with a gabled ceiling.  The combination seems to get rid of the M-L "plasticy" sound all too often heard through mylar diaphragms.  Very open and airy.  Especially fine reproduction of voices. Perfect for him as sung music is his tune of choice.
I know of several cases where switching to solid state was the solution.

It depends on your overall tastes, of course, but in general, that giant capacitor called an ESL speaker makes it common to see less than stellar amps droop in the top octaves and loose overall punch.

The more common combination is tube pre with solid state amps, but YMMV, and there are always exceptions to the rule.

For over 10 years I drove a pair of ML Summit’s with a pair of Cary 211AE amps. They have about twice the power as the 805s and they were a very musical match for the Summits.
Hi Guys!
Many thanks for sharing your opinions. I was thinking in the new MLogans Electromotion ESL, they are 91db instead of  89db of Aerius and 6ohms instead of 4ohms.They say that they are much easier to drive than the aerius and that can be used with normal amplifiers.Besides the higher price..... Do you think these ones could be a possible match for my cary cad's 805?
Another question... In. General, how many years lasts an electrostatic panel before it losses their optimal performance??this point is crucial to me.  Because ther is no technical service in my area. 
Thanks for your replies! 
