You mention off axis response. Pro touring speakers are designed with relatively narrow dispersion intentionally to concentrate that acoustic energy so that it makes it to the back of a large venue. It also helps reduce the smearing from side wall reflections. If you widen the dispersion - you diminish its “throw”. If you’ve ever walked around a venue doing a sound check - moving just 5 feet in any direction you’ll hear the sound change - sometimes dramatically. This is due to the phase cancellations of the multiple speakers throwing a narrow beam of sound. You don’t notice it during a show because you’re seated in one place. Move around before a crowd gets there and it’s pretty remarkable. So, pro speakers in home - unless it’s a very large room - may seem “beamy” relative to home speakers.
Speakers x room? Size/potential of both (plus the power kit). I’m hazarding the guess that Ozzy playback venue was not much like a living room or bedroom. Most venues are unlike most dedicated listening rooms, too, as I cannot think of a commercial venue for live music built the same as a typical residence. Not just size - wall/floor/ceiling composition, furnishings, (audience?) etc.
@mgrif104 , @benanders
Essentially, i have 2 rooms in my basement (no WAF restriction), both of them fairly large, ~7200 cu.ft and ~5000 cu.ft for audio. It could go in either room and the only issue for either room is a lower ceiling height @ 8ft (since it’s a basement).
Here are some models spec’d with a 30/30 on the horizontal and 20/20 on vertical, which should preserve sufficient perception of spaciousness, etc for a solitary sweet spot... and mitigate floor/ceiling issues to some degree for my theory. The latter one’s tweeter is crossed over down to 1.8khz, it appears, which should present a significant amount detail/resolution... in theory (due to the tweeter/small driver playing that low)...couldn’t say anything for sure until it’s setup and heard/audited.
For higher WAF and something pretty/real sleek looking, price shoots up to 20k all of a sudden ( 😑 ), i.e. some advanced beamforming home speaker design...