Vac Sig MKII tube circuit upgrade

Anyone have the tube circuit board upgrade on their pre's done.
I want to have mine checked over as I bought her used.
Figure while she's there might as well do the upgrade as that will also give me more tube choice.

Anybody have any thoughts on this.
Must have understood Vac's website.
The earlier II and IIa can be upgraded so a user can swap out
different tube types.

Knghifi,don't suppose you have been experimenting with different tube types by chance,any thoughts on the extra possibilities.
My Phi Beta preamp has the switchable option of using 6922 or 8416. I briefly listened to one of my favorite 6922 tubes, Hamburg Valvo Red Labels from the early '60s. I like this tube's combination of body, clarity, and extension. Frankly, it sounded virtually identical to the 8416, so I stuck with the 8416. I guess it's not all that surprising since they're both essentially of the Amperex PQ family.
Drummermitchell, finally settled with 60's Siemens Cca and Telefunken 12au7 ribbed plates. From my experience, the 12au7 position is as sensitive to tube rolling as 6922/e88cc/7308. I found the stock Philips 6189w too warm and congested for my taste.

I also HGHLY recommend the Audio Magic fuses. It replaced all my HiFi Tuning Supreme and Gold fuses. It's unbelievable how a fuse can improve the sound ... bloom, tone ... This is probably one of the BEST ROI I found in this crazy hobby.
I see Vac's website now has a picture of the switch and the different tube types the sig will take.
Mine will leave tomorrow for the upgrade.