VAC / Wilson cables

Before year end I'll be replacing my VAC Ren 70/70 with Kevin's current iteration, the Phi 300. I've already upgraded from Wilson's Watt/Puppy 5 to Sophia 3. The cables, however, remain Transparent Reference.

I'm wondering, having upgraded at each end, if anyone has experience with a more current and improved speaker cable ? The pre-amp is Shindo's Giscours, fed by the Miyajima Kansui on a TW Limited table. Chamber, vocals, and keyboard is the diet.

No hate Dave; just low tolerance for your MIT shilling.

Godlike amounts of knowledge? Hardly, but anytime you want to go one on one for cash regarding audio, look me up. That would be anytime "bro".

Dave you need to go back to occupying mom's basement.

It's safe there and mom will make some hot chocolate for you.
If this is done, an MIT Gen 3 or newer cable wil vastly outperform a competitive non-networked cable.
Such a statement is always dangerous and comes back to bite the author in short time.
I likewise use a Shindo giscours preamp, with shindo silver IC's and love the Purist Audio Provectus cables from the Phi to the Sophia 3's.