I use original Khorus' (w/Gamut amp) and have experimented with 6-8 cables ($1k-$4k) and have finally (?) settled on the HMS (replacing Wireworld Silver Eclipse 3).
IMS, they provided the greatest balance of detail and musicality of all I tried (though I haven't tried the ones you mentioned) but I agree with KF that there is a diminishing return with expensive speaker cables, but still there nonetheless.
The guy I bought the HMS from upgraded to the Pathfinder, BTW. I also used the Talon-marketed Ghost speaker cable (which is supposed to be similar in character to the Shunyata) which was good but not quite as dimensional and a little thinner.
I also use the HMS ICs and they made an even bigger improvement over others I used (Jena Symphony, Nordost QF, AZ Silver). Startling sense of presence and harmonic rightness. Highly recommend an audition.