Check out the review on the Pure Note Epsilon. Compares to HMS and Valhalla but much lower in price!
Valhalla vs. HMS vs Jena Labs vs. Shunyata Phoeni
Check out the review on the Pure Note Epsilon. Compares to HMS and Valhalla but much lower in price! |
Tireguy, I am not recommending any one speaker cable. I am recommending considering other areas of upgrade first(i.e. DAC) before spending upwards of $4k-5k on speaker cables. I am also recommending some less expensive speaker cables that have a good shot at competing with the above SCs. No I have not tried any Jena speaker cables. KF |
I had a brief session with the Valhallas and HMS Grand Finale (Revel Salons driven by ML monos) and I preferred the HMS by a small margin. They seemed to be as fast as the Nordost but had sort of more organic and polite character. Not a huge difference but in in this particular system the HMS were just a little more involving. The Valhallas might be better suited to a richer and more mellow system. The HMS allow you to choose several different impedance settings. All my auditioning was done with the neutral setting so I can't say whether different settings would make a difference. |
I use original Khorus' (w/Gamut amp) and have experimented with 6-8 cables ($1k-$4k) and have finally (?) settled on the HMS (replacing Wireworld Silver Eclipse 3). IMS, they provided the greatest balance of detail and musicality of all I tried (though I haven't tried the ones you mentioned) but I agree with KF that there is a diminishing return with expensive speaker cables, but still there nonetheless. The guy I bought the HMS from upgraded to the Pathfinder, BTW. I also used the Talon-marketed Ghost speaker cable (which is supposed to be similar in character to the Shunyata) which was good but not quite as dimensional and a little thinner. I also use the HMS ICs and they made an even bigger improvement over others I used (Jena Symphony, Nordost QF, AZ Silver). Startling sense of presence and harmonic rightness. Highly recommend an audition. |