Vandersteen 1C Tweaking distance to front wall

Looking for any experience and thoughts from Vandersteen owners on your setup distance to the front wall.

The back edge of my 1c's are currently about 23" distance to the front wall.
Speakers are 7.5 feet apart and i sit about 8.5 feet away.
At moderate volume  and with good recordings the sound is fabulous with good controlled full bass.

However I tend to listen a lot at low volumes late at night and listen to lots of older recordings as well. Both these factors contribute to the sound being a little lean sounding down low. I'm considering moving them back closer to the wall to tweak up the bass frequencies. 

Any thoughts or how far are yours from the wall ? thanks
how is the OP doing with experimentation ? send me a PM if you need more help, Johnny R is the best
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, they were very helpful.
Playing around with positions over the last while and settled (for the moment) on this setup.

16" from back cabinet of speaker to wall.
8.5ft apart (from physical center to center)
8.5ft to listening position (from center to nose)
Slight bit of toe in.

Sound great, BIG BIG soundstage and now some nice bass sounds at low volume which I was missing before.
Bass is still tight, fast and not bloated. 

Also trying out a new dac and amp with the vandys which I’m really liking.
XTZ Edge A2-300 power amp
Topping D50s Dac which also serves as pre-amp.

Ah, the joy of the now near-ancient 'Loudness' button for those low level listening sessions where bass can disappear.
A decent tone control like the one mentioned may be easier than sliding them back and forth for listening sessions and enable the other attributes to remain at their best if the 1Cs now set up ideally.   Good luck!