Vandersteen 2C contour controls +-

So I have recently changed cables between my pre amp (ARC SP4) and amp (ARC VT60) and it made a significant difference: more detail and a better centered soundstage. But I lost quite a bit of punch in the low end. I like the effect of the new cables enough to keep them in.

If I want to use the Vandersteen contour controls to get some of the low end back do I dial it down... or up?

I’m assuming turning the bass contour down will lower the crossover point, effectively getting more from the low end.

Is this correct?

The contour controls on the back of my 2Cs are for cut/boost of mid and treble only. No affect on the bass as far as I can tell. 
The only thing that restored bass in my situation was positioning the speakers differently.

Gotcha. Ok that makes sense now. I am going to try adjusting placement rather than expect an effective solution by just using the contour controls.

Thanks a bunch!
+1 for Tomcarr.
The dials do not affect lower frequencies.
As another poster mentioned, let the cables break in. You'd be surprised how much they might change.
You are very welcome. Be patient. Keep us posted...

PS- call John Rutan (Audio Connections)  @ (973) 809-4467. He is extremely helpful. He was the one who suggested I get mine a foot or  less from the front wall. 
