Vandersteen 3A sigs amp advice please

I am upgrading to Vandy 3A sigs. My preamp is an Audio research SP9 MKII and I am starting to look at a new amplifier for the Vandys. I would appreciate recommendations and guidance. Thanks in advance.
I would suggest the Audio Research VT100 MKII or MKIII. I have heard the MKII on the 3A's and we have used one with our Vandersteen 5's. The sound is very musical and dynamic. We have two musicians in the house and they both agree with the above statement. I hope this helps...
go to and read all of doug blackburns stuff. he owns 3a sigs and has heard lots of amps. i know 2 of his favs are the belles and the warner imaging.
I had the 3asigs and thought the mccormack dna1/revaGold was the best for them. I also had a vt100m2 I tried with them. I thought that sounded very musical, great midrange, but did not bring out the speakers awesome bass capability like the dna could. Other tastes will vary!
Used both McCormack DNA 125 and Belles 150a with very good results. But the Rogue 120 mono blocks that I am using now are giving me the best results on the 3a sigs yet. (Detailed, warm and very musical.) Mark Obrien from Rogue audio used the 120's with the vandersteen 3a sigs at the 98 CES with much sucsess I hear. Hope I helped!