The 5A and/or the quatro, can be placed closer to the front wall. As close as 1 foot. With the Vandy Eq's in both types of loudspeaker, you have plenty of room for adjustment. Probably not optimum in every scenario, but It works for me as I have the Treo Ct's in close proximity of the front wall including two Vandy subs.
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
I currently have a Vandersteen 5A purchased about 15 years ago in great condition. My equipment is Thor 150 watt tube EL-34 monoblocks with a Thor linestage, Sony SACD player and a middle of the road VPI turntable. Was reading about the Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT which I believe retails for $15,000.00. The wood has the carbon tweeter, my 5A's do not. The Quatro also has a 250 watt amplifier for the built in sub while my 5A's have a 400 watt amp. If I purchased a new Quatro Wood and sold my 5a's would the resulting sound be better overall in my 8 1/2 by 15 foot room?
My rationale for considering this upgrade, is that I would be getting a speaker with all new parts and would obtain a new warranty. Any thoughts would be helpful. In short is todays' Quatro Wood CT a better sounding speaker than my old 5A? Would this change be an upgrade and would it yield an improvement in sound to justify the cost?
Thank you.
My rationale for considering this upgrade, is that I would be getting a speaker with all new parts and would obtain a new warranty. Any thoughts would be helpful. In short is todays' Quatro Wood CT a better sounding speaker than my old 5A? Would this change be an upgrade and would it yield an improvement in sound to justify the cost?
Thank you.