Vandersteen Treo CT

Hey guys. I am planning to purchase a pair of Vandersteen Treo CTs and looking for guidance from current owners about pairing them with my current equipment:
1. Simaudio Moon W-3 Solid State
2. Conrad-Johnson PV-14L Hybrid Pre-Amp
3. Oppo BDP 105D CD/SACD/DVD
4. Kimber 8TC speaker cable
5. Kimber Silver Streak Interconnect
6. Synergistic research interconnect
7. Current Speakers: Vienna Acoustics Mozart (originals)
8. Room dimensions: 14W x 23L x 9H

Once I replace the Mozarts with the Treo CTS, I have a few questions:

1. Will my components be able to drive the Treos?
2. Are these components a match for optimal enjoyment?

I would appreciate any other advice or recommendations you can provide. On a side note, Once I purchase the Treos, my budget is blown, so no upgrades for a while.

Thanks for listening and reading.



@stevenyc Hi.  Imagine a curtain hung vertically from the ceiling of your listening room down to the floor (like theatre curtains on a stage), at a certain distance from your listening chair.  If when it hangs down it just touches the front of your speakers, that would be on the plane of the drivers.

Soundstage.  Some speakers project more forward soundstages, and some more laidback.  Some soundstages are deep, some quite shallow.  Other acoustic factors (beyond the speakers) also enter into this.

Forward: the curtain now marks the front of the soundstage, and it appears to be quite close to you, closer than the front of the speakers.

Laid-back: the curtain appears to be hanging somewhere behind the speaker cabinets.

Deep: soundstage expands all the way to the front wall (front wall=the wall behind the speakers), or even appears to be outside the room, beyond the front wall.

Shallow: etc. etc.

Curtain is not the best analogy because the plane is visually and acoustically transparent, but perhaps that gives you an idea.

Bob, I know you were joking on the veneer. lol..  Congrats on the amp choice. You will love it I'm sure.  

Two, great way to write about the plane that we all discuss all the time.  
Hey Twoleftears and other posters,

Thanks for your clarification. You are correct, the soundstage does seem to hang like a curtain. I tested the premise by sitting in the listening position, then stood up in the same spot and heard the sound with pin-point accuracy. It only changed slightly at either height (standing or sitting
position. I love the detail of these speakers and am considering the Aesthetix Mimas integrated (heard it at Audio Connection with the Treos) for the future. Posted a photo of my Treos (in Zebra Wood) in the virtual system forum under Vandersteen. Check them out. 
Very cool.  Yes, they are amazing speakers. I still love my old Treo's that Bob loves, lol....that Mimas will be killer with it.  That or the new 8 series gear by Ayre play so well with that speaker.  Johnny will be able to help you for sure.  Keep us posted.