Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?

The amp in my 2008 Velodyne DD15 is dead as a door nail. 

How good is this old marvel compared to today's offerings?

Worth investing another $500 (to have amp repaired, incl roundtrip shipping, tax, etc)? Or just use as passive sub?

How does it compete to modern subs, for example SBS SB-2000 or SB-3000 (both under $1k pre owned)?


I'd definitely look into fixing it yourself.  Google is your friend.  You'll learn a ton and gain some appreciation for it, save some money, and salvage a worthy older piece from the scrap heap.  Win, win.  Some new subs may be better, but they won't come cheap, and won't be that much better if you set it up well.


asvjerry repair of original is probably cheaper than replacement plate amp of similar power.

Running as passive is super easy. I have plate amp out and found discolored area on incoming power board, likely culprit. 

I am running my Dayton UM18-22 with external plate amp in housing I made. 

External Class D power amp option is missing crossover frequency adjustment aside from what receiver offers, and no 'auto on/off'. 



jafant "If you are using this Sub(DD 15)  in a H/T set-up, yes repair it. Otherwise move on to a REL for a Stereo system set-up." What is a REL? 

I am currently using my 18" DAyton UM18-22 in sealed box with Lt1300 external plate amp in super large room (with B&W Nautilus 804 as fronts) for stereo, SACD and H/T. The Velodyne would either supplement (? not sure if possible and/or feasable to run 2 different subs) or be used in 2nd system (normal room size) for stereo and SACD.

dweller I have the plate amp out. Fuses good. Power on other side. Some discoloration on input power module (assumed culprit). No loose wires, speaker connected and works. Since fuses are good and no pop or any other noise when turning on, assume output stage of power supply (or auto on feature or similar) damaged. = no simple (enough for me) fix. Could take another closer look and probe for secondary power.... or put in box and ship to EBC.


jafant If a "REL" is another sub, what REL can I get for $800 that competes well with the DD-15 (in big room setup and/or normal room setup)?