Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?

The amp in my 2008 Velodyne DD15 is dead as a door nail. 

How good is this old marvel compared to today's offerings?

Worth investing another $500 (to have amp repaired, incl roundtrip shipping, tax, etc)? Or just use as passive sub?

How does it compete to modern subs, for example SBS SB-2000 or SB-3000 (both under $1k pre owned)?


@emailists  Are you saying there is new firmware for the DDplus series?  Can you elaborate?

I don't know. My DD Plus are 2.2.3. You might try an email to Velodyne Acoustics GmbH.

I fixed a remote control by removing the batteries, carefully opening the case and cleaning the wire board with alcohol and compressed air.

I have not connected the DD to a computer (waiting for amp to be returned from repair). Will then look into the software, potential update and how to use the software, microphone, etc. 

The DD series doesn't connect to a computer. The plus series does. Although there is a way to upgrade the firmware for the DD series with a computer but it takes a special cable from USB to serial

So how do I use the provided measuring (velodyne) microphone if not via computer?


The microphone connects to the plate amp. There is also a video output that you connect a monitor to. You would be best printing a copy of the manual for the sub and following what it says. The manual for the SMS-1 is pretty similar. There is a lot of information in that manual that will answer many of your questions and describes in detail how to set it up. It is available on the Velodyne site.