verdict on class D amps?

I saw a thread about seymour ice amps.... anyone have any experience with these compared to conventional amps? I was planning on picking up a used pair of bryston 7st or a single 14 st however for similar money (& power) the new ice 50001 is available. In car audio there it doesn't seem like class D is very good except for sub duty. Is the same true for home stuff? Presently I have a adcom GFA5500 which was going to get thrown on rear surrounds & I was going to use parasound HCA1500 on my speakers untill I can afford something newer/better for my old infinity kappa 8.1 speakers

I auditioned the SeymourAV amps for a while, comparing them to a Mark Levinson ML-9. In the end, I returned the SeymourAV amps and ended up with a Spectron.

it was a difficult decision, but it came down to a very subtle high frequency veil that was present on the SeymourAV. Actually, my friend felt it was very obvious and not subtle at all, but I think he's just picky and overstating the problem, which seems to be a common thing amongst audiophiles :)

I've had several people tell me that this veil is a common problem with all ICE module amps, although I've also one person state that wasn't the case.

Regardless, the SeymourAV amps are the only ICE-based amps I'd consider, simply due to the aesthetics and cost issues (I'm assuming they all sound pretty similar, which may or may not be the case). I find the Wyred amps to be "aesthetically challenged", to put it nicely, and the SeymourAV also has a 10 year warranty, which beats any ICE amps I've seen so far. The cost is also towards the low-end of the ICE amps (I think some are more than twice the cost).

In the end, it really depends on what you prefer. Everyone seems to have different interpretations of what they hear.

Btw, I really wish people would stop calling these "digital" amps. Please do some research, because they are NOT DIGITAL! Continuing to call them that, while also dismissing them only weakens your argument. No offense intended.
Careful circuit design & quality parts will always produce a better sounding amp and this applies to both digital & analog amps. Some cheaply manufactured digital amps are a good choice for subwoofer duty since they deliver more power for less money, very efficient, and produce very little heat. But never dismiss them as an excellent candidate for a high-end-rig. There are some digital amps out there that are manufactured to the highest industry standards and produce amazing results, must be heard to be believed!

Sorry Nospam, I have used the term digital to keep in line with familiar words.
PHD - do you call Switching power supply (SMPS) "Digital Power Supply"?

Proper term for these amps is "Switching" or "Class D" (there is nothing digital inside)
It depends on your taste which will be determined by your ears and what your brain's sonic preferences are. I have listened to tube amps (Music Reference), hybrid (Audio VanAlstine 250 wpc Fetvalve 550, and class A solid state monblocks (300 wpc Sheng Ya). I also have listened to the Wyred 4 Sound 125 wpc amplifier.

Here is what my ears said to me when I switched out the Music Reference tube amp for thw W4S amp. The W4S amp is smooth, very smooth, silky smooth - almost unnaturally smooth. The sound is very clean but not as big hipped as the Music Reference. Can't say much about the bass as I was running a subwoofer on a pair of bass shy speakers, the Spica Angelus. It is just a very different musical presentation that my solid state, hybird or tube amps and since it has, to my ears, a distinct sonic signature it won't be flick everyones bic.

I like the W4S sonic signature. My amp is not fully broken in so it may get better. It is pleasing to listen to though different.
Jaymark - that was my impression. SS integrated, I had before class D amp, sounded in comparison "brassy". I'm not sure, with my limited experience, how best amp should sound, but I have very liquid smooth sound now. Sibilants, I had before, disappeared and clarity/transparency got better. One thing I noticed was that sound got leaner at lower midrange. I replaced speaker cable (AQ Indigo) with better one (AZ Satori) and the lower midrange got much fuller.