It depends on your taste which will be determined by your ears and what your brain's sonic preferences are. I have listened to tube amps (Music Reference), hybrid (Audio VanAlstine 250 wpc Fetvalve 550, and class A solid state monblocks (300 wpc Sheng Ya). I also have listened to the Wyred 4 Sound 125 wpc amplifier.
Here is what my ears said to me when I switched out the Music Reference tube amp for thw W4S amp. The W4S amp is smooth, very smooth, silky smooth - almost unnaturally smooth. The sound is very clean but not as big hipped as the Music Reference. Can't say much about the bass as I was running a subwoofer on a pair of bass shy speakers, the Spica Angelus. It is just a very different musical presentation that my solid state, hybird or tube amps and since it has, to my ears, a distinct sonic signature it won't be flick everyones bic.
I like the W4S sonic signature. My amp is not fully broken in so it may get better. It is pleasing to listen to though different.