Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?

Can anyone share their experiences with these cables on Solid State equipment ? basics are Integra Research Digital pre amp, Classe 301 Amp and Legacy Signature III speakers.
The question is have Silver based interconnects and speaker cables reached the point where solid state usuers can enjoy the extra detail of silver w/o the harshness and listenening fatigue of earlier designs ? Also if anyone ever tried out Stealth UR , silver based speaker cables your thoughts are appreciated . Gracias !
In my system...

VPI TNT V / JMW 12.5 / XYZ 1000 Airy
Pass Labs Aleph Ono
Wadia 23 (used as transport)
Audiomeca Enkianthus Dac
Pass Labs X1 pre-amp
Bryston 7 Bsst
B&W Matrix 802/S III
Velodyne HGS 18/II
Pure Note ICs
Acoustic Zen MC2 or Signal Cable AES/EBU digital cable.
Harmonic Technolgy Pro-9 biwired
Signal Cable power cords
Powervar ABC 1200-11 power conditioner (for digital front-end only)
All dedicated lines, hospital-grade outlets.
DIY room treatments (traps of various shapes and sizes for a 18x30 with 10ft ceiling, listening room)

...the Pure Note ICs (version 4) are simply extraordinary!
At first I was afraid of all that silver and the harshness it could introduce but, after the usually brief break-in period, there has never been anything but clarity and beauty coming out of the speakers. Imaging in large orchestral scores is almost a "visual experience." Large dynamic contrasts are delivered effortlessly without smearing. Yet, smaller-scaled music like jazz quartets or solo vocal recitals are also within the "comfort zone," The cables seem to respond well to all dynamic extremes and are never fatiguing even with some of the worse digital recordings I own. I listen to classical music (orchestral, opera, and solo- instrumental), jazz and some old-time-rockers in case that information matters to some readers (in fact, I am surprised that this info is not shared very often in most equipment discussions on this site).

I have previously owned fine-sounding cables from Harmonic Tech (Pro Silways MK. 2), Nordost (Red Dawn), and Acoustic Zen (Silver Ref.) Since the day I put the Pure Note throughout my system, I have never replaced them! The only non-Pure Note are the Harmonic Tech Pro-9 biwires (I have always liked the sound of these with the B&Ws) and the Acoustic Zen MC2 and Signal Cable digital cables (excellent performers, both). At a later date, when time permits, I hope to audition the Pure Note speaker cables.

I have also found the service provided by the Pure Note folks in Nevada pleasant and very professional. Delivery of all items has been very fast and accurate. They answer e-mails quickly and keep you informed of shipping details.

I know there are many good cables in the market and auditioning them would be a sincere joy if time was not so limited for this very-addictive hobby. I was lucky that I found these Pure Note cables based on recommendations here on Audiogon and that my leap-of-faith in them paid off so handsomely.

Best wishes for the holidays to all and thanks for the invaluable advice and help during the past year.
My vote also goes to Pure Note. I have listened to their cables on both tube and solid state gear. The cables are smooth yet dynamic. IMO, there is no cable on the market, even at 4x the price, that compares to Epsilon Reference version four. Pure Note hit a home run with the version four as the earlier versions were somewhat bright and thin. I applaud their efforts for continuing research and product refinement.
Which is the overall best, sonically, between Ridge Street Audio, Pure Note, and Pure Silver Sound interconnects and speaker cables? Anyone compared all three?