Very large room HT

My room is 20 By 45'
My budget 20,000$
Advice for complete 5.1 speakers amp Pre etc,all but tv
I think we should help the OP by keeping things simple...
maybe we can all agree on a few things and he will have to go from experiences and opinions are somewhat different than yours and the next guy and so on...

1) at a price point of 20,000, we are way beyond the HT in a box.
2) speakers have classes just like cars do... you cannot FAIRLY compare a $1,000 speaker with a $5,000 speaker. and so on.
3) There IS a law of diminishing returns with home theater speakers and equipment. Is the OP going for a 90% awesome system or is he chasing after the last 10% of perfection?
4) even with room correctioncorrection... the best speakers/systems will not sound as good as a lower end system in a decent acusticly made room.
5) it seems that we are on the same page as far as saving the money and buying used
6) there are different ways to go about the idea of reproducing sound... electrostatic, ribbon tweeters, dome tweeters, and all the materials for them... people prefer different ones... it doesn't mean one is better than the other, just different.
7) it would be impossible for the OP to listen to all the speaker and amp and processor combinations in his listening room.. so he would still need to go and listen to speakers, even though they will be in acusticly different rooms.

if we can agree on these items at least the OP has a place to start.

Ok friends lets start with speakers for 5.1 ,HT and possibly two very good front speakers for just stereo .
Than will get a really good amp and than I got to have a Pre with all the gadgetry,,,,how's that .
I listened to paradigm S8 and I gave it. 8out of ten !
B&W at best buy was to me 7out of ten
I am looking for the MA and the Revels
Revel is also a good option. At a show this year it was one of the best demo's. It is good to read you started to listen. Take your time and you will find your personal preference.
Very large room HT
["Bo1972 7.1 does not say anything about the quality of speakers, amps etc."]

Who said it did?

["07-24-13: Bo1972
Sometimes Audiogon is like a tree for me. I like to shake the tree and just curious what will fall out of it.....
Bo1972 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"]

The more I read this admonition and your criticisms it's clear your quite the little troll. Also, in making equipment suggestions you constantly fail to clarify yourself as an audio dealer with a vested interest. Moderator, are you there?

Right or wrong this is a community of people offering their actual hands on experiences to give the original poster as much information as possible in light of the ever shrinking ability to actually audition products in person. I see no practical reason for you to challenge others remarks to the point of profanity. On the other hand it does give one perspective as to the shallowness of your professionalism.

It's not difficult to weed out comments from those who have had little to no practical hands on experience with a particular product, such as you have in past threads. Your are the only dealer I've heard so openly and continually name and berate competitive products at length and in such detail in a public forum.