Vintage Krell Amp... Which would you choose?

I am in the market for a new amp, and I was thinking instead of purchasing something new, why not purchase a preowned amp. I always admired the krell sound, but it was just way to expensive. I would like to know if there was "ONE" krell amp either class A or SS that you can go back in time and purchase, which one would it be? It will be paired with Martin Logan's.



Assuming that I had the money and a pair of Duntech Sovereigns, the Krell I would have wanted would be the original KRS monoblocs.  That was the best combination I ever heard with that loudspeaker.  However, that monster amp also melted the drivers on my dealer's Thiel CS5 speakers when something went wrong with it, so it came with its perils.  I would echo Cz's warning, while I prefer the older Krells that ran in class A, they would at this point in time need to be refurbished, not a cheap proposition.  If you want a used Krell, the more recent FPB series would be my choice.