Vinyl collection, now what?

Hey folks,

Just inherited a really interesting collection of records from my audiophile crazy uncle.
Lots of master and super master pressings, a complete Time Life Records collection, Sheffield track records, etc.

I have never owned a turntable and know very little about them.

Does anyone have experience digitizing tracks to file using a USB turntable?
Any recommendations for or against?
Am I looking at something potentially very expensive?
I haven't looked through everything but saw lots of albums I would like to digitize.

Thanks everyone!
I have the pure Vinyl Program. It catalogs all my digital recordings in the iTunes Library, has all the required codecs and up samples everything to 24/192 to keep the anti aliasing filters up out of the way. I only digitize records I am ABing with another source. Just makes it easier. I have no intention of digitizing my entire collection. IMHO you would have to be out of your mind. 
@mijostyn No doubt the Clearaudio would be lovely.  I used one of their phono pre-amps for years and was quite happy.  I mentioned Bryston since @cleeid is using Bryston now.  I have been archiving my collection for years, mostly 24/192 and some 24/96 and I agree, to me they are basically indistinguishable but if someone told me they heard differences I wouldn't automatically assume they couldn't.  I recently got new speakers so think I might have to go PC and say 'virtually indistinguishable' for a while.  One comment, well made transfers seem very revealing of any setup errors but this is probably a psychoacoustical phenomena rather than an actual 'difference'.
Looked up prices on the Technics 1200 GR and might go that route.
Any reason to step up to the 1200 G aside from upgradeability?

@masi61 - Seems like you are happy with the BP2-MM. I have a few MC cartridges so would probably need the BP2-MM/MC.

Also found some used Rega P8s and RP8s.
Been quite an interesting journey learning about turntables and associated gear.
I digitize my records using a free app on my Apple - Garage Band.  Tedious, but works well  I use a cable from the tape monitor loop of the preamp to the mic input of the Mac.
@hleeid If you can get a used P8 for a good price from a Rega (or respected) dealer (local to you would be best so they can set it up and add spacers if necessary), I would jump on it. Not sure if I would buy it (or any turntable or really any amp or speakers) from an individual unless I knew them and they could provide some kind of guarantee. I would buy a used phono stage or power conditioner or maybe preamp from an individual as they would have a far lower chance of having problems with no moving parts.

That being said, I've also heard some good things about the Technics DD model, but I think Rega arms are fantastic and for the money, untouchable. It's almost like the table is a throw in after considering the value of the arm and the power supply unit (PSU).