There is nothing wrong with preserving especially your analogue vinyl sound onto cassette. It's just a fun side road to this hobby. I have two nice three head cassette decks. A mid 90's upper end Yamaha KX-930 and a mid 80s's top of the line JVC DD-VR9. Both feature full computer test toned auto bias, level and sensitivity setup. Using good cassette stock especially type II or type IV or even a good type 1 can give me near indistinguishable recordings of vinyl from my LP's themselves.

The dancing fluorescent meters looks cool too.
>>07-26-10: Les_creative_edge
Using good cassette stock especially type II or type IV or even a good type 1 can give me near indistinguishable recordings of vinyl from my LP's themselves.<<

Reviewing your system, especially the turntable, I'm sure that's the case. I own a 1210 logging many hours of experience with it and a half dozen cartridges. The Technics is a decent product, a bargain at its' price point, but no match for my other tables. So it may appear indistinguishable to you now, but if you ever buy a real high end table, the difference will be immediately apparent.

A cassette playback system is no match for a decent analog front end. Apples and oranges.

That is not debatable.