Vinyl Find of the Week?

Since we all hunt through used record stores, garage sales and sometimes even other people's trash looking for those spectacular accidental vinyl 'finds' I thought it might be interesting to see what folks are coming up with.

My two best recent ones were a NM Analogue Productions 1992 test pressing of Art Pepper + Eleven, and a gift from fellow A-Goner Bill who gave me a Sheffield Labs Harry James, the King James Version (he had two) that sounds amazing (more than making up for the somewhat cornball style of said Mr. James.

What's everyone got out there?

Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

My stepson found a NM Japanese pressing of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" at an antique pavilion for $10. The same thing on eBay with water spots on the cover was going for over $150 at the time.

I also got the Sheffield "King James Version" at this antique pavilion for $3. Since I've been a big band fan all my life, the music isn't cheesy to me, and it's one of the best *sounding* albums I've ever heard.

I got a collaboration of Mel Torme and Buddy Rich direct-2-disc in NM condition for $4 at a record show.

Although they don't have great market value, I find many reissues to be well done. I have the early '70s Columbia reissue of "Kind of Blue." Got it at a record show for $8, and I think I like it better than the 200g Classic Records reissue--a little cleaner and faster sounding. But maybe I need to raise the VTF a little to accommodate the thickness of the 200g pressing.

In classical I like the Columbia reissue series, "Great Performances". I have a Stokowsky of the Bizet Carmen and L'Arlesienne suites and George Szell and the Cleveland Symph that I got at thrift shops for $1 ea. The recording, pressing, and performance quality on these are all excellent.