Bluenose,it's funny you mentioned the big,silly grin on your face.My wife asked me last night why I had one on mine. This is day three of VD P2 in system.Sound continues to get better,especially in bass and midrange.Voices are becoming more palpable and coherent.I am amazed how much noise comes through your outlets and when reducing or eliminating it,more music comes through.I think about the time back in 1978,79 when I was reading TAS,Stereophile,and The Audio Critic and I began to lean stronger towards the views of Editor Peter Aczel until he wrote one day that cables( either power,interconect or speaker) make no difference in sound quality.Boy,what a letdown for me when he was my hero.Needless to say I stopped my subscription and began my pursuit of choosing good cables.Thanks again Virtual Dynamics for pursuing the truth of the laws of physics.