IPC made terrific gear. In particular, I like their IU 1000 compression driver that has a diaphragm just like a Western Electric 555 diaphragm. This driver was made in the 1930's and 1940's and I would put it up against any midrange driver made today.
I don't think that Volti, or any other modern builder has access to compression drivers as good as these old drivers. The modern ones that sound very good are VERY expensive, such as Goto, ALE and Cogent drivers. I do think that modern manufacturers can make good horns for their drivers--either new designs or replicas of old horns. I've heard a few such modern horns. Volti appears to be quite successful with making practical horns that can be fitted into reasonably sized cabinets. Still, there is something about the "weight" and sense of authority of a larger format horn that makes one dream of owning such systems and the room that can fit those monsters.
I run a smaller vintage horn (KS12025) which is a two-foot wide by 6-inches tall metal sectoral horn. It is a straight horn which makes it too big to fit into a practical cabinet (it sits on top of the woofer cabinet). My compression drivers are Western Electric 713b's. The sound is quite good and is free from excessive horn coloration, but, when this driver is put on large format horns, it is evident that size does matter in horn-based sound. I don't have the room or the money to even think of an upgrade. That has left me with upgrading the crossover which I am in the process of doing.