VPI HW-17 - brush too short?

I am relatively new to vinyl but had collected a sizable number of records in a short period of time. In order to better dedicate my time to music instead of record cleaning, I bought a used VPI HW-17 here at A'gon. However, I found that the accompanied brush is probably just about 4 inches - the "effective length" is even shorter when the brush holder is clipped slant into place during operaion. Therefore, aside from LP of really short grooves a large percentage of surface cannot not brushed up - still need to manually clean the inner grooves, totally defeating the purpose of getting a RCM. Tried to find info on replacement brushes online, but no word on if they come in difference sizes??
Hello, Mofi, I think the original poster is referring to the scrubbing brush not covering the entire surface of the LP when placed upon the record to auto-scrub, and not the vacuum wand, or to do with fluid removal with vacuum wand.

I'm not that familar with VPI 17, or typhoon, which have auto fluid dispensing, and auto scrub feature, but others here might be able to steer you towards another, 3rd party brush which works better than the VPI, and that will mount to the holder assembly?

I know this defeats the purpose, and the additional cost spent for the model 17, but many forego using these brushes, for other types. These other types would of course have to be hand held, but do have the advantage of cleaning every last area of a record, and do it in a better way, without risk of vinyl damage.

The consensus of the VPI Brush, is usually 70% of users don't like it. It is not that effective, and some have noted scratching. Many particular vinylphiles, who use an RCM of some sort, and have run the gauntlet, usually switch to multiple step cleaners, such as AIVS, or Walker Prelude. This means they typically use a dedicated brush, or pad for each cleaning step, as well as for a final pure water rinse.

IMO, these methods produce the finest results, and the two cleaners I mention above are generally believed to have no peer.

I use Mobile Fidelity, or Disc Doctor Brush Pads for my cleaning-rinsing steps, they work great. All are labeled, so there's no chance to mix them up. Mark
The regular brush does cover the whole side for 95% of all records, so agree with MoFi, you must have the 45 brush installed. And Markd51 sums it up perfectly, it is better to wash and rinse records by hand, e.g., with Disc Doctor brushes and fluid, then use the VPI 17 only for a vacuum rinse stage.